We Are Not A Big Box Law Firm

We are not a big box law firm where the goal is to sign every case possible and then settle as quickly as possible in order to move on to the next case.  At a big box law firm, clients become numbers and seldom get to know their lawyer.  Worse yet, clients are often passed around from person to person until their case ends up being handled by a legal assistant.  In legal parlance these firms are referred to as mills.  Because the goal of a big box mill is to settle quickly, and move on to the next case, clients seldom get top dollar results.

At our firm we are on a first-name basis with every client and our clients are on a first-name basis with us.  By getting to personally know every client, we better understand how that client’s life has been affected by his or her accident.  This leads to better settlements for our clients.

If you want a big box law firm, they are easy to find.  If you do not want to be treated like just another number, but would rather have a firm that really does treat you like family, please give us a call at 414-273-7400 or connect with us using our Contact Form. We would love to speak with you about your injury case.  It would be our privilege to represent you.