A recent study from the Governor’s Highway Safety Association reports that the number of pedestrian deaths caused by careless drivers has reached a record high.  It is estimated that over 7,500 people were killed while walking in 2022.  This is the highest number of...
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Distracted driving has become an epidemic in Wisconsin.  In fact, my own car was just broadsided last week in our law firm parking garage when a driver was not paying attention and pulled forward directly into the rear door of my car. I was...
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Unlike some states, Wisconsin allows motorists to make left turns on red under certain circumstances. Left turns are permitted on red after a complete stop when turning from a one-way street onto a one-way street. As with any other turn made at a red...
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Millions of people visit the emergency room each year following car accidents. Car accident injury statistics fail to include the millions who do not seek immediate medical care for their injuries or whose injuries go undetected until a later date. What are Delayed Injuries?...
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Wisconsin lost 595 people to car accidents in 2022. These fatalities resulted from 115,694 reported car accidents, making Wisconsin’s deaths-per-reported-accident higher than the national average. These numbers are tragic. While some car accidents are unavoidable, many are the result of human error and can...
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Semis and other commercial trucks can be intimidating to share the road with when you are riding in a passenger vehicle. Commercial trucks can weigh as much as 20 to 30 times that of a passenger vehicle putting tractor-trailers at 80,000 pounds when fully...
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Self-driving or autonomous vehicles come in all varieties from compact size to sport utility. Many Wisconsin drivers own some type of autonomous vehicle and have for years. As self-driving cars become more popular and their driverless capabilities increase, federal and state governments must address...
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While riding a motorcycle is geared towards fun and freedom, a lot of responsibility comes with owning and operating a motorcycle in Wisconsin. Motorcyclists in Wisconsin must abide by the state’s motorcycle-specific laws regarding financial responsibility, licensing, safety gear, rules of the road, and...
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The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that Wisconsin was slightly behind the national average in seat belt usage in 2021. Residents were buckling up at about 88%, 2% behind the national average of 90%. Seat belts are an easy and effective...
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Reckless driving accidents can cause victims severe injuries and leave them struggling to pay for medical expenses, property damage, and monthly bills. Drivers responsible for reckless driving accidents can be held responsible for the damages they cause in civil court and be charged criminally...
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