Can I Recover Compensation for PTSD After a Serious Car Accident?

Some of the most common injuries stemming from car accidents are not physical in nature. Long after a broken bone has healed or you have recovered from whiplash, you may continue to experience psychological damage caused by a serious car accident. One such condition many accident victims suffer from is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Here is what you need to know about this car accident injury and how you can pursue compensation for the harm you have suffered. 

What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

PTSD is a psychological injury that people sometimes suffer after experiencing a traumatic event. When a person experiences a life-threatening event, it can impact their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

Why Would People Suffer PTSD After a Car Accident? 

Car accidents can be terrifying experiences. They can also involve sensory overload. Accident victims may hear the sounds of crushing metal and terrified screams. They may see projectiles in the vehicle or even see the vehicle rollover. They might feel blood trickling down their body and experience immense pain from various injuries, like broken bones, soft tissue injuries, internal organ damage, or even amputation. They may smell gasoline leaking or fires starting in the impacted vehicles. 

In addition to the actual time of the event, car accidents can lead to prolonged trauma. Accident victims may suffer serious injuries that continue to impact their lives long after the accident. They may also continue to experience stress and anxiety any time they are driving or in a vehicle. 

Symptoms of PTSD

Researchers describe the following symptoms that may indicate PTSD following a serious motor vehicle accident:

  • Intrusive thoughts about the accident
  • Persistent avoidance of thoughts or situations associated with the accident, such as refusing to drive, actively avoiding thoughts about the motor vehicle accident, or not going out with friends or family as a way to avoid getting in a vehicle 
  • Distressing dreams about the accident
  • Numbing or exaggeration of senses 
  • Irritability
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Flashbacks

Right to Compensation

Accident victims have a right to pursue compensation for the damages they have suffered because of the defendant’s negligence. This includes damages stemming from physical injuries, like broken bones or whiplash, as well as psychological injuries, including PTSD, depression, stress, and anxiety. Accident victims can seek compensation for:

  • Visits to primary care doctors for referral to mental health providers
  • Counseling appointments
  • Exposure-based interventions
  • Medication 
  • Mental anguish 
  • Emotional distress

Your personal injury lawyer can gather documentation to help establish you have suffered from PTSD and show how it has affected your life. Evidence may include:

  • Statements from witnesses
  • Medical records and doctor’s notes
  • Employment records indicating you missed work because of episodes
  • Counseling session notes
  • Journal entries
  • Statements from coworkers, friends, or family about your behavior and attitude after the accident, compared to your temperament before it

If you have suffered PTSD following a serious car accident, reach out to a lawyer who can help you pursue the compensation you deserve. The team at Mingo & Yankala, S.C. is here to help you demand maximum compensation. Contact us today for your free, no-obligation case review.