What to Do After a Rental Car Accident?

Whether you are traveling or need transportation when your car is not available, a rental car can be a convenient option. However, accidents can happen in a rental car, and the situation can be significantly more concerning when you are driving a car you do not own. 

What happens if you are in a crash while driving a rental vehicle? Are you liable for the damage to the vehicle? What about your medical bills and injury-related losses?

Read on for some brief information about rental car accidents. If you suffered injuries in a crash or are facing blame for an accident that is not your fault, consult with a Milwaukee car accident attorney about your rights. 

Rental Car Insurance Basics

Auto insurance is mandatory for all drivers in Wisconsin, even when you are not driving your vehicle. You must have some type of coverage when you rent a car that meets the state minimum requirements and complies with the rental company’s policies. 

Liability for Your Rental Car Accident

When someone else causes a rental car accident, determining liability becomes a crucial aspect of the aftermath. Liability refers to legal responsibility for the accident and its resulting damages. In this scenario, if another party is at fault, they bear the responsibility for covering the costs associated with the accident. 

Establishing Fault

The first step is to establish who is at fault for the accident. This is determined based on evidence such as witness statements, police reports, and any available surveillance footage. If the other party’s negligence or reckless behavior caused the accident, such as impaired driving, they will likely be deemed liable.

Insurance Coverage

The liability for a rental car accident typically falls on the at-fault party’s insurance. Their insurance company will be responsible for compensating for damages, including property damage to the rental car and your injuries from the accident. You should not have to cover these losses if you were not to blame.

Rental Car Company’s Role

The rental car company may also be involved in the process. They will likely facilitate communication between the parties involved, providing necessary documentation and information about the rental agreement terms.

Your Role

While you’re not at fault, you need to cooperate with the authorities and provide accurate information about the accident. This helps establish a clear narrative of what transpired and supports your compensation claim.

Remember to document the accident thoroughly, gather witness statements, and report the incident promptly to both the rental car company and your insurance provider. This will help strengthen your case and facilitate a smoother process for establishing liability and obtaining compensation.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself from unnecessary liability or losses is to hire a skilled car accident lawyer to represent you and your rights. 

Does My Insurance Cover a Rental Car Accident?

Your auto insurance might provide some coverage for a rental car accident. Typically, if you have comprehensive and collision coverage, it may extend to a rental vehicle. However, specific terms and conditions vary among insurance providers. Always contact your insurer to confirm the extent of coverage and any potential limitations. 

These policies may have limitations on the type of vehicle covered, rental duration, and geographical restrictions. 

While rental car insurance is complicated, you should always take the time to ensure you are fully covered in the event of a car accident. If someone else causes your crash, their insurance will also play a major role in covering your and the rental company’s losses. You should seek assistance from an experienced car accident lawyer immediately in this situation. 

What To Do After a Rental Car Accident That Is Not Your Fault

Even if it’s not your fault, a rental car accident can be a stressful and unsettling situation. It’s important to know the steps to take to protect yourself, your finances, and your legal rights. 

Here’s a short guide on what to do after a rental car accident that is not your fault.

Ensure safety – First and foremost, check for injuries, both in your party and the other vehicles involved. If anyone is hurt, call for medical assistance immediately. If it’s safe to do so, move to a safe location away from traffic.

Contact law enforcement – Regardless of fault, it’s crucial to involve the police. They will create an official accident report, which can be crucial for insurance claims and legal proceedings.

Gather information – Collect information from all parties involved, including their names, contact details, driver’s license numbers, and insurance information. Note the make, model, and license plate number of the vehicles, and take photos of the accident scene, if possible with your injuries.

Witness information – If there are any witnesses, obtain their names and contact information. Their statements could be valuable in determining fault.

Document the scene – Take photos of the accident scene from various angles. Include pictures of vehicle damage, road conditions, traffic signs, and any skid marks.

Notify the rental company – Contact the rental car company immediately to report the accident. They will provide instructions on what to do next and guide you through their specific procedures. Avoid discussing what happened in-depth until you have legal counsel.

Seek medical attention – Even if injuries seem minor at first, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may not manifest immediately, and having a record of medical treatment is crucial for your physical health and any potential insurance claims.

Avoid admitting fault – Even if you believe you were not at fault, refrain from making any statements that could be interpreted as an admission of guilt. Stick to the facts when talking to the other party, the police, and insurance companies.

Obtain a copy of the police report – This document is crucial for insurance claims and legal proceedings. Ensure you have a copy, and review it for accuracy.

Notify your insurance company – Report the accident to your auto insurance company, even if you’re relying on the rental company’s insurance. They need to be aware of the situation, and they may offer additional coverage depending on your policy. Avoid discussing details of the crash, and you might want your attorney to handle this communication for you. 

Seek legal advice – If there are liability disputes or if you’ve sustained injuries, consulting an attorney experienced in rental car accidents is invaluable. We can advise you on your rights and help navigate any potential legal action. These cases often involve multiple insurance companies and potential disputes, so you want a legal professional to handle this process and protect your rights. 

Remember, every accident situation is unique, and you should consult with legal professionals if you have any doubts or concerns about the process. Following these steps can help protect your rights and ensure a smoother resolution after a rental car accident that wasn’t your fault.

Talk to a Milwaukee Car Accident Attorney Right Away

The legal team of Mingo & Yankala represents victims of all types of car crashes, including rental car accidents. Having a rental car in a collision only complicates an already complex legal situation. You cannot trust insurance companies to have your best interests in mind and willingly pay you the full compensation you deserve. Our attorneys know how to fight for fair compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and other losses. 

Contact us for your free, no-obligation consultation today. We can advise you of the next steps following your rental car accident.  Schedule an initial consultation by calling (414) 273-7400 Mingo & Yankala, S.C., or using our contact form.